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  • Why do we need to help the Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC) fundraise? I thought everything was paid for by the Department of National Defence?
    DND funds a portion of cadet activities and programming, however the SSC helps find additional resources to help support the difference in costs that are not covered and/or enhance an activity. DND and the League organize band, biathlon, drill and effective speaking competitions, but without support from the SSC, these experiences would be quite limited. The SSC covers the cost of activities, resources, and items such as, a significant portion of the band instruments cost and maintenance, internet connection, office equipment, trophies, additional powered flying, the mess dinner, annual ceremonial review, squadron property insurance, registration fees to the Air Cadet League, etc. With ongoing COVID restrictions on fundraising in place, we need your support. * Under current restrictions for the last 2 years, no cadet in-person fundraising is allowed.
  • What is the squadron's largest annual expense?
    Our squadron's largest yearly expense is Air Cadet League fees; even with reduced COVID rate, this year's fee is $5,490; pre-COVID rate is three (3) times that amount. Our squadron's largest source of revenue is raised through tag days and donations. Under current restrictions for the last two (2) years, no cadet in-person fundraising is allowed. Your generous donation would help offset the league fees expense and allow our squadron to continue providing a variety of programs to cadets, even during the pandemic.
  • Who pays the League assessment fees?
    The 706 Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC) pays assessment fees to the League. Provincial committee assessment fees pay for such things as the maintenance and insurance for the gliders and tow planes of the gliding program, volunteer insurance through Air Cadet League of Canada, office and administration costs, and legal services retained for the benefit of the provincial and Sponsoring Committees.
  • How do other Squadrons cover costs?
    Other squadrons cover the cost primarily through fundraising while some require parents to cover Cadet League fees (often $75 / cadet or more). 706 fundraises so that enrollment fees and potential costs of activities are not a burden on families.
  • I would like to make a donation, what are my options?
    Make a donation directly to the Squadron Air Cadet 50/50 Shopping on FlipGive United Way Learn more about each by going to our "Donate" section.
  • We are not in a financial position to donate, so how can we help?
    Help spread the word, engage with business owners you know, ensure your cadet participates in Community Days (required of all cadets), donate your time during specific fundraising events, or on the Squadron Sponsoring Committee.
  • Is 706 Squadron a registered charity?
    Yes, 706 squadron is a registered charity. Charity number: : 12361 3523 RR0033 Charity type: advancement of education Full name: AIR CADET LEAGUE OF CANADA - 706 Ottawa Snowy Owl Squadron As a registered charity, the Squadron Sponsoring Committee is able to provide charitable donation receipts.
  • I have a fundraising idea! Who can I contact?
    Please contact the Chair of the Squadron Sponsoring Committee at We would love to hear your ideas, and will discuss them at our monthly meetings. Please contact the Chair if you would like to attend - all parents are welcome!
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